Saturday, December 25, 2010

There is no genuine friendship in work

Another heavy overwhelming topic today.
IpWind told me what the other colony had been talking behind my back.
I was saddened by the way people address me.
Not only that, I was impressed by how that satay seller can twist and turn the facts and framing me for things I did not do.
Luckily there are handful of witnesses that speak the truth.
Not because of my position. I did not corrupt these witnesses. They believe in truth. 
Like X-files: The truth is out there

Maybe I am being too honest and having high hopes that there is genuine friendship in work place. Regardless position and age. I've been working in the same company since my graduation. The company was small and we worked hard together as a team. But there was competition among each other yet it was healthy and fruitful at the end of the day. Regardless how the company grows, we still stick together as a team because everyone of us has only 1 goal. That is to work hard and earn the salary.

So as I move up being a leader of a team myself. I had few rounds of setback.
Being a stern manager did not help much for the first strategy.
So I changed to become a friendly one.
Then as time goes by, I have attachment towards my team because I am dealing using the 'friendly' card.
But, because some actions by satay seller and the script writer, my team turns against me.
Maybe because I dealt the cards too well that they had forgotten I am their leader.
As things happened, they crossed the line and I exploded.
I naively thinking by exploding to them will be a warning sign before thunderstorm hits.
Again, how stupid I was.
They eventually think that I am choosing my team members. Those who listen to me will be preferred the most and those not will be condemn at work. 
This disappoint me dearly.
Though I may not be a qualified leader. But I am a leader with quality.
My mentors taught me well and never in their lesson that they taught me to go against your own leader in work and personally. Everyone has the right to a level of respect. If you disrespect your leader, please bear the consequences. But facts are twist and turn as it turns out I am a leader with preference of team members.
How dramatic.
If that is true, you should see you are sitting at the top of my preference list.
Because I sincerely guided you in every way I could and cutting your path so that it will be smoother. Of course you earn your title with your own hard work. But without a 1% of my help, I don't think you will be successful too.

Therefore, our Chinese powerful word: 飲水思源

Please do think about your actions now. How your leader will be hurt if you turn your back against her? I am disappointed by your actions and dearly hurts. I am unsure what will be my next strategy. But continue to work hard and prove myself in front of my mentor is the ultimate goal. My mentor likes me for my work. Not the friendship I created at work.

I do read books about how to be a good manager. I know I am not there yet. But being a stern and unwelcome manager is not the key to success for a team. Well, being a friendly one didn't prove to be any better. I am still pondering on how to become a good leader. Guess I have lots more to learn and develop before calling myself successful.

Today is eve of Christmas. I went to church for a celebration that is different from the previous ones. I enjoyed it because it helps to soothe my mind way off from the disappointment. I am having such a dilemma situation that even my FB status are so depressing. Just to confirm I am another emo freak.

Thank you for passing through my life both work and personal. Your presence and action is very much appreciated because I've learned a lesson from you. I do hope you will also take this as chance to mirror yourself. If you do feel bad or sorry, and want to come clean with me. You are still welcomed. But the door will not be open for you forever. Please grab the chance while you have.

Of course for script writer and that evil satay seller, you both did an amazing job by killing a genuine friendship. It's ok that you hate me. I do love that you hate me. You hate because you are jealous. Jealous the boss loves me more than you. Jealous I earn more than you. Jealous I am a manager and you are not, Jealous I have supporters but you only have your own colony. If you think I quit this drama because I give up. That is so wrong. I quit because I am here to work. Not msn-ing, creating dramas, thinking what my colony will be doing next, how to make the boss like you more than me. I'm here to work for my career. You are small as an ant. And I can kill you with just my fat lil thumb!

Adios bitches.

May you rot in your own world.

P/s: btw, if you think the above post English is hard to read. That's why you are just an exec staff and I am a manager. 

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Evil eyes creeping around. But I am holding a sacred wand to KILL you off!

Finally realized how naive and stupid I was.
Trusting and believing everything I saw and heard.
Trying to judge the book by its cover.
And damn how wrong I was!

Someone was hurt and disappointed when these dramas were played. In life, we cherish the people around us, regardless friends or foes.Yet, everyone patience and integrity do have a limit. Please don't ever play too far that you had accidentally / purposely push the button. He/She will just burst off and you will not be claiming any kind of victory.

Maybe there do exist some kind of miscommunication and misunderstanding.
But, I did nothing wrong and there is no need for me to prove my innocence.
For those who know me very well, I am not that kind of person that put her own reputation and name on the chopper board. I am born to my senses that I will protect my name until the day I die and even licking on someone ass it's not an extreme act if my name is at stake!
However, once you see I care less about what you are really had hit the button and my patience limit is over.
I am not sure what kind of games you people are trying to play. I do not bother.
But my strategy is very simple. Have faith in myself.
I put my reputation and integrity on the boss table. He is the only person I am going to impress first and last.
So, no more miss congeniality from me.
You choose to throw that, and I follow your choice.

Just a piece of advise.
Don't play with fire. You will get burn now, or maybe later or maybe way into the future.
But I swear to God, you will get burn..You will..

I ain't that easy to get over with when I am disrespect.
I had been repeating this sentence to the public. I am a person that care so much much more on my name and respect than my life. Once you disrespect me, there is no turning back for me. Unless you come clean with me on your intention.

Feel really sorry to have involve some innocent people.
For those who are feeling sorry on what you had did, I still give you chance to come clean with me.
But then, to some of you. You have no chance to even apologize. Cos you do not worth a chance.

I am a person that work with my faith and honesty.
I trusted God to guide me when facing such dramas and I trusted God to guide my boss to make the correct decision if the day come.
So, you are playing with a person, who trusted God. Have faith in God and of cos, have a great deal of respect from others that I am not that kind of drama person you think I am.

All the best to your dramas and may your dream and desire will be fulfilled by Satan wish.
Another reminder. This will not get you anywhere young ones.
Integrity, Honesty and Respect will yield a victory.

My faith and the sacred wand will protect me and my follower to kill of those evil creepy eyes.


Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The Sensitive King, Idiotic Messenger and Innocent People

Last Friday was a roller coaster ride in office.
Things got real messy with the King and I am so so down and hardly getting over it.
It was my fault for diu-ing the boys before finding out the reason behind the stupid irrational email from the King!
My apologies to the boys.
Honestly, can you blame me? I was at the dark spot knowing nothing about the whole situation yet being warned by the King that the managers are not the ultimate boss - he is!
Duh? As if the ball is not round?!
Miscommunication is the key point of the fire started and don't blame me for blaming that messenger.
Sensitive king and a wrong messenger kill the innocent people!

Then after a good night sleep, the damn king send another electronic pigeon mail apologizing for his outburst.
How ridiculous.
Being a King, you have the right to kill and torture any innocent hearts. But you will and shall not apologize!
Cos with that, you look pathetic!
Purely pathetic!
As if broken pieces of shattered heart can be mend back!

For the people who love the King, we shall rise and hail: Long Live the King

For the shattered broken hearts and dismantled figurines like us: Get Lost The King, Halleluyah!


Filling up the blanks!!

Been superbly occupied by works and friends lately until I have not blog like weeks ago!
So, what had happened to me during those blank moments??
Work is depressing. Will come this depressing topic later.
Every weekend, we had a routine of crashing Ms Pregger's home!
Because she is alcohol and club free now, we have nothing else better to do than playing car car with my GodSon Prince Damian the Menace and singing karaoke in Ms Pregger's well equip audio room! And of course, mahjong session until wee hours.

During the Haji break, was so excited to be invited by Ms Pregger for a dinner at Tony Roma's. Turn out to be, Mr Filthy Rich's father owns it! Happy chomped down the super king size wagyu beef, all the appetizers we can order and each of every dessert. Burp!! The best part is yet to come: Free flow of Cordon Blue and Rose Moet...wth?

Too late to get the whole piece in this pic!

Burppp..we ate from 6 to 10! like a buffet style of Tony Roma's dining experience.
So waiting for Ms Pregger to get us the VIP card!
With the card..we can chomp down more food at an extremely friendly price! Hiak Hiak!

Next outing was the drinking session with Chewie, EeWa and Alan.
Another heavy dinner and drinking buffet. The bill was extremely crazy again.
So Chewie, we really gotta stop drinking crazily.
That is to take care of our health and bank!
It sounded as this was a get together session but then the main reason for EeWa to meet us was to get the juicy gossips! Well, a tales suppose to be told. As she said, she needs some colours in her life and our juicy gossips is just perfect for her dull life. ROFL

The venue for juicy gossip is our old place: Berlin
No pork knuckles so we tried the pork ribs and new German beer. Superb beer. I am so a German beer fans now. Throw away all the Heneikken/Carlsberg and all those tasteless beer. Puik!
So Oktoberfest is another dream come true!!Chewie..we need to go there and sink in all the German beer! ROFL!!

From the pictures, can see how EeWa was so into the gossip juices.
Then our ladies man, excitedly explain his life philosophy to us! Haha

Next was another drinking session where EeWa had ffk-ed us. Venue: Rainforest - Pavillion KL.
Thank you so much for the tasteless beer Carlsberg from our beloved ladies man : Alan.
No offence dear, just drinking such beer ain't Princess Piggie style no more!
Alan being VIP there, got to enjoy the view from the bar. Perfect lounge sofa seats and cool musics.
Drank too much end up puking in the toilet. Thanks to that strong Long Island Tea that was free for the ladies.

With my  - Alan. I look pale without makeup yet fresh. lovely! ROFL
raindrops are falling on my head ...lalalalala
After all these sessions. I am trying to stay in with Frog Prince. Most sessions had excluded him so he maybe upset or worse dull in his already dull life. So last Saturday, another last day being Princess Piggie of the month, went to Li Yuan @ Ritz for breakfast with colleagues.
Too high class to take pictures. Princess Piggie needs to maintain her style ok?!
Then off to get herself a fresh look.
Was in the saloon for half of the day.
Then off to cuddly session with Frog Prince.
We head over to Lot 10 Chinese hawkers foodcourt.
Had the famous Imbi road pork noodles with pig stomach soup..
Burp!! but have to pay RM18.80 for this!!Crazy!

Then off to Uniqlo.
Haven't been there before beside browsing the fashion magazines.
But the clothing is really way low from my expectation.
Winter clothes, cashmere and wool for MALAYSIA? Hello designers..please check the climate of the country before opening the branch lor??!Can ar? Do some region research lar.
Majority are for winter. Malaysia had none except super crazy hot and wet rainy day. Still we don't need cashmere / wool..
Disappointed. Even Orlando Bloom poster on the show case didn't excite me!
Frog Prince trying to be macho

Posing with Farenheit interior design and my MJ bag!!
So, will I be in this mall again? Nah..unless MJ is opening an outlet here.
Dull place to shop and eat.

That's about it. The summary of the sparks in my dull life.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Sunday, November 14, 2010

A dream gown?

at this age, every woman (ok, princess piggie is a woman..not a girl anymore :P )with a steady partner, with most girlfriends are married or on the way to Las Vegas (don't wanna put Tian Hou temple bullish) and 'marriage' - magical word came up during the normal dinner conversation..Guess, hoping for a dream gown and your dream wedding is already in the making in your mind.

I've been dreaming about my wedding like every young girls do. Since a child, and full of fairy tales, prince charming and church wedding looks so romantic..But reality kicks prince not charming and this princess not cinderalla..i looks more like the princess in Shrek! except i'm not green in colour! rofl..

Being very realistic..
marriage was forced into our conversation..
As i grow older day by day..i'm kind of freak out that time is passing real fast..
I already missed my chance of a lifetime to have my father witness my i aint gonna miss the chance for my mom not being my witness..
So i did pop out the question, and sounded extremely lame..
I still laughed at myself..and wanna hide in between the pillows..(though space not so big lar)
while chomping down the food (it was a conversation over dinner) " long have we been together" (urgh...wanna kill myself for such a lame intro line!!)
My frog prince replied: almost 5 years...
Take a deep breath : erm..well, have you think of the future..
Bang! wanna shoot myself!!
How could I be soooo freaking lame..where is the tough classy princess piggie gone?!
So there how we started talking and making plans..little by little...
My frog not rich royalty. He had to work freaking hard to earn every penny..
So frog prince is not on his white horse..just a white Myvi..
Before I can put my dream wedding on the paper, we need to get all other patty things covered!

Well, first of all is to get a joined account. As seen on tvb drama, all couple needs one..maybe some of you will be curious why we are not financially independent? we are actually..just need this extra funding to get the expenses paid off in order to achieve our dream wedding...
This is the first step and we have really started yet.
Still kind of nervous doing this though...But next week we gonna get the engine starts!

Next is the house..
This is serious..we need a house that can fit mom..extra room for his parents to drop by, rooms for the kids (four and two legs)
Getting this done is gonna take a lot of efforts..A house in KL..a busy town..gonna cost us a fortune..

Only with the house ready (inclusive of renovation and well equipped furniture) then, with available cash..
we only can think about the wedding..

Long long way to go..
And lots of argument, I foresee..
will my frog prince get a cold feet on this? I hope not! Fingers crossed!!

So..what is my dream wedding?
I always wanted a church one..but then not a holy christian, that is out..
Garden reception in KL..hell no..both of us will be soaking wet with sweat..

Mom is always a tradition follower...
I can picture both of us going through very traditional wedding..
A chinese wedding gown with lots of gold..
But I cannot have frog prince wearing the male chinese wedding costume though..
A suit will do...nothing more..the bride is the center of attention mah..who cares who is the groom anyway? rofl

Then night will be in a hotel..
I hope it will be a big event room..
Not because of the guests..(though I sure both side parents will fill up the list by an hour)
I love spacious room..No guest gonna squeeze in to get into their seats!
The opening gonna be great and special..
I told Chew bout it and wanna keep it between me and her..hehe karaoke session..they will be performer..but a paid one..
Jazz and blues music and our fav songs will fill the room..
The menu, simple and delicious will be the main category..but no sharkfin will be serve..Cos, we love the environment! Muahahaha...
Cocktail party after the wedding dinner is a MUST!
Need to get both of us a break after the full stressful day event!

Oh well, reality kicks in AGAIN..
hmmmphhh..So while trying to stay focus on the coming exam..
I was surfing through the web and had the urge to type her name on the Google search tab: Vera Wang
The goddess for bridal gown.
On her site, I saw one..favorite..
A wedding full with love and laughter...and a Vera Wang design bridal gown..OMG..

Have a peek:

And how I hate REALITY!!
before the above rolling...the proposal from my frog prince..
That's the most important part in my life..
My ultimate proposal..
Oh dear frog prince, please don't ruin the proposal ok?
Just simple request..make it a special one..and 3 rings..
3 RINGS!!!!

1) for the proposal..the bigger the better!!
2) for the engagement...can be slightly smaller than the proposal one..1mm??
3) for the wedding...this one can be a simple platinum plated ring..

And most importantly..your heart that counts!!!

dedicated to all the heartbreakers out there

Pray for You is the title..
sounded so sentimental..
even though we are no longer lovers..
as if I still remember how sweet we used to be..
But..until you come to the chorus..
I really PRAY for you..
Brilliant song!!

something that caught my eye AGAIN!!

Fall/winter collection..superb..simple and nice!
Hope they carry in Malaysia!!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

bubu 的大寿!




一开始,bubu 对功夫仔很恐惧。他应该觉得功夫仔是太空人。没看过!
bubu, 妈咪很疼你哦!

bubu...happy birthday!! muax muax..





很 lum worrr....

还是2 bottles!



我的榴莲日报是untuk tontonan umum!!
不过,你们真的很想看的话,请你在黎园@ Ritz Carlton 商房,请我吃半汤浇!

Thursday, November 11, 2010



Nicely chopped fruits contributed by 皇后


Diva D..the famous fried chicken contributor

Missy Nor the fruits contributor and our famous cleaner

anxiously waiting for ayam rendang from Diva D!!
Too happy with chicken...totally forget to take pictures..
And Princess Piggie chomped down 4 pieces..

and now...饱到.......





by the way, 我们的皇上也是狮子座。




Wednesday, November 10, 2010




1)ceasar salad
2)french baguette
3) fried boneless chicken
4) fruits



从两头蛇得知,我的look很有manager feel..
就是因为这样我的额头就印这“FIERCE” 这个字!





uncle 说:需要这样吗?
well, 狮子座的猪公主就是太爱面子了。
请你们别再chuan 我啦!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


miscommunication 这句话害到大家都因此心理有条敕。

back to the topic
of course我们在笑时,当事人就会纳闷的在心理‘暗掉’
well, 活在演艺圈遇到我们这些狗仔,你就要认命咯。咔咔咔!!

我只是找个topic舒缓这tensed situation







请跟着以下的LINK, 笑一笑吧。



ah chew, 生日快乐!!

taken back in Phuket trip
就是这样,我们顺利逃跑. 咔咔咔咔!!






chew, 谢谢妳出现在我的生命里。

Monday, November 8, 2010


三分钟热度又来了,花了一半身家买了一部相机。从那一刻开始,就想找个新乐趣, 做个有艺术的人!SO NOW,PLS CALL ME G12 USER

以下及不过是SAMPLE。。I KNOW, 我还要努力!

Monday, June 7, 2010

when a foe think he is a friend..and i gotta say..

dat's my response to the title of this post!

Yay..finally..i can end this for good!

Heard from a friend, as you grew older..your circle of friends will be getting smaller day by day..and I meant good true friends..friends that will not take advantage on you..
Friends that will stand by you no matter who what and where..
I have to say a big thank you to Lord for providing me really true friends and some co workers, who eventually become my friends! Appreciate the hard work of God for giving me chance to mould into the social circle.

As human being growing and living in this selfish society, people tend to be less contented with what they have and complain is what they are good at!
Have you ever look at the face of your partner while he / she sleeping and thank god for letting you meet with him/her and having relationship among millions of people out there?
Or you only care how many carats he is buying for you? what pride he/she can give you among your friends?

Have you ever look at your friends in silent and thought what a fate you both have? Out of so many school friends you both just click and talk non stop? Or you simply thank her for fetching you up and down? keeping you company when you need a companion? And throw it away when you have a new toy to play with?

Have you ever look at the plate of breakfast/lunch/dinner and thank God that you are feeding your tummy with the food you like compares to those die of hunger? Or you just simply sigh and said what a boring food?

Have you ever look at yourself and say God, thank you for giving you all the basic five senses and appreciate it? Or you thinking you are not good looking enough and wanna change the way you look?

I doubt people will answer yes of every first question..
I aint saint..I don;t too..
But in my opinion, I am not extreme level..I still feel contented..and happy..
I've lost my dad and when ever I think of him, I weep like a child..
That is because, I have so many great memories with him and he is the best dad I've ever wanted..Never ever I complain and disown my dad like some people do..

As for my mom, I cherish every moment I have with her and I want her to be every part in my life..Never ever I want her out of my way...Not like some people do...

I love my partner as he is a great guy..not a saint..he curse and he has flaws like every other people. But our relationship is solely based on feeling of care, love and trust..Never ever we value each other with money..Like some people do...
Eventhough i still bugged him with my long lasting wanted list!! LOL

I cherish my friendship with everyone of my friends...I'm a woman and I admit i bitch my friends but thats the purpose of our gathering right? bitching each other! But never ever it cross my mind to hurt someone by bitching about fake some people do...

To conclude my post, I am happy and fully contented with the basics from God..Still I'll work harder to make my life fuller..that's human being...always looking for the dreams and wishes.., I thank God for showing me who are friends and who are foes..
Dear foes, you are pathetic with your own greed and selfishness. May God shine your darken road and try accept the love of others so that you will not be lonely. I hope and pray for the best but never you dare crossing the line of my patience!!

Ahhhh...feel so much better!
Food time! *wink*

Sunday, May 23, 2010

It's June for God sake!

uhuh..coming to end of May soon and yet so many things to achieve in work!
How sucks!
Anyhow, due to improvement of man power, manage to skip work in weekend and still get the chance for a short getaway with friends and mom..ahhhhh
But my so called honeymoon will be over soon as the jobs pouring in like a tsunami...
how shitty is that!

But, after complaining and complaining, i'm still working for this firm..and still doing this sick job?
what does this means?
I'm an asshole?
Nah...just a dog trying to get the bone!
sick..sick and sick..
everyone says happy in life is the key to healthy life..
but purlease...don't talk about happy if you do not have the money!
I need the MONEY!!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

No one has the say EXCEPT me!

Why it is always like this huh?
Why we are to be blame??
When we put effort to make ends meet, people don't see it...
And our effort not appreciated...
We try and try and try..still could not make it better, we finally give up and decided not to have more faith..because it is not worth it..
Then when it has reach to the patience limit, we exploded..we get angry..we cursed and complained..but..was acknowledged of taking someone attention and limelight!

No one has the say of how fucking much effort I put in to make this friendship worth except me!
No one has the better judgement than myself!
But I was pushed to the edge of giving up and the next thing I know, I had made a conclusion..
But then, why am I to blame?

Well, call me drama queen then!
But I worth having that drama ok!

It's that person big day and no one have the right to ruin it..
wow...then my big days in the past??? Who ruined it? Ok basically you don't because you don't even bother to show up! And save your gift! It's a joke ok!! You are making me looks like an idiot more than a friend...

URGH!!!! spare me mercy ok..
I am not happy with work today..
the stupid client office was freaking hot without air cond and not even a fan is available..
then work was unsettled..tonnes of email to reply..
Decided to off work early just to make it on time..
then one tiny sms make me explode..not so much of the organiser..i'm sorry if it had troubled you..but..i'm really not having a good day..
I'm starving..and fat people don't like the feeling of HUNGER!

Anyway, I'm not a total bitch that just blew up ppl's big day..once i finished complaint..the next minute i will have that smiley face on..
But..just dont keep me from complaining and throwing my temper off..
i'm complaining to different ppl which definitely will not affect the whole evening..

Sigh...too late..the scar is there d...
I'm sorry i blow your plan..
But..really..nothing sucks than keeping a drama queen having her drama on!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Almost a f3cking year!

I didnt mean to update my blog at all, but was browsing thru family and friends ones...and suddenly came to my blog and the latest post was in Jul'2009..wtheck?

Am I that old to forget my precious blog, or just too busy to keep it updated like everyone else?
I prefers the latter one! ROFL~~

From the last post, many things had happened and my life is really a roller coaster ride!
I always pray for the best in my life but reality will never be as you wish!
The worst was the fire in my house during the 2nd day of CNY ==
Never ever I wanted to blame my mom for being made me realised how old her mom had age..She is not that active hippy mom back in 10 years. So, I gotta be more and more careful about the house, the family, mom and everything!

Life sucks at work..
It really taking a toll on my self motivation.
I had stopped talking positively to everyone about my work~
I had stopped persuading myself to work harder~
and the best part, I had stopped working as hard as last year.
Not to say I hate the job...but it's the people I hate!
I hate talking bullshit and over promising
I hate being a dog to my boss!
But nothing more I hate than not having afford the Prada bag!
So..just gotta suck it up and continue being a dog~~

Office drama nvr end!
Being a typical LEO..I love the DRAMA!
I love being the center of attention~
It's just TYPICAL...
Anyway, heart sunks as more bad news coming in from her boss~
Never ending bad news and never ending scolding..
If I am that sucks..please FIRE me!
Let me go..and die alone in a corner!
Or just shoot me!

Been spending alot of money lately to compensate the loneliness in office war!
Spending money in girls trip..girls night out and of cos shopping!!

My boyfriend is trying his best to keep an eye on me going as a shopaholic..and to be honest, he is successful so far..until....his girlfriend get on hold with shopping online!
Wahahahaha..and she is doing it during office hours!
Oh my dear, you cannot stop me filling up the wardrobe...

Before i end, wanna summarise my 2010 plan:-

1) Birthday bash @ Dusun - sponsor by boyfriend
2) Girls R&R trip @ Phuket + Krabi - gonna get burn by the sun again!
3) Mommy daughter trip @ Shanghai EXPO - SHOPPING!!!
4) New Canon camera
5) Prada wallet
6) Pass her stupid ACCA - 1 paper will do
7) Increase salary
8) Performance bonus

So many things to achieve and do with sooooo freaking little money!
Finger crossed bah!