Happy 2012~~Happy 2012~~Happy 2012~~
After 2 months and 21 days, I finally able to sit down and get back to my all time favourite hobby : Blogging.
Yes, I failed my 2011 resolutions (one of the millions in the list : to blog at least once a month)
Well, just add an ounce of failure into the bag, not a big deal though. LOL
2012 celebrated with rushing year end work and dragging my luggage into the airport to join my big family in Bangkok for short holiday. There will be no free lunch in this world. And this statement is so true. As I innocently thought the trip is free, I ended up paying an amount that I would not pay for a normal trip of my own. But, I exchanged this huge amount of money with time spent closely with all my family members. Of course, there were some crazy moments with some crazy relatives, still overall, the trip is still awesome. Especially time with my cousins. They grown up so fast..and hilariously funny. Love the kids..
*damn I sound so old
But before I move on to welcome 2012, let's spend some time recollect those sweet memories and scary nightmares. It was a rough start in 2011, fighting on a self destruction war with work. With words of wisdom from family and friends, I had made the decision to move on to something more challenging. Nightmares started the moment I finalised my decision. But then, I am now celebrating my great wins in 2012.
Personally, I had committed myself to a house mortgage which make me sacrifice all my wish list! Then, the excitement of planning the big event was soon over shadow by the departure of my precious rabbit, Bubu. Since he died of old age, I had made myself prepared and yes, I still miss him dearly but, in a sweet and happy way.
Another big event happened, which was I excited bought the airline ticket to India, and yes! I made it safe and sound back to my home. It was a great experience though I paid almost 3 months of health after the trip! Worth the time and money spent, and yes my travel mate didn't kill me for snoring at night. Hee~~
Before 2011 end, I make a great closing with family trip and celebrated with my bonus from new company! Worth the hard work for some extra cash! It was a great 2011. Loads of ups and downs. and yes, I fell and stood right up welcoming 2012!!
So let's share some great moments of 2011:-
Completing my first post in 2012.
Coming up! More travel pictures!!