twice today!
Happy mar...
Just got my salary and I had reduced my debt.
ooo..before proceeding, I just bought another insurance..with a handsome agent. He is 30 years of age but looks way younger than me and he is driving a BMW!
Heck..what I am doing then? Adding more into his full pockets?
LOL...Sorry Jeff...
Btw, back to the happy moments...
I been planning to treat my sifu for quite some I finally had the time to treat that old lady. We went for Kiku Zakura and LF is included in my treat-list.
Erm...were too busy with chomping down the food.. I did not take down any pictures.
But we ordered the following:
Appertizers: Edamame (RM12), Salmon Sashimi (RM48) Agedashi Tofu (RM12)
Main course wise, I ordered the Unagi Kabayaki (RM38).
LF went with Chicken Teriyaki and sifu went with some bento thing.
For me, I will not go for another round to Zakura.
First, is the portion they served. The edamame price at RM12 should serve a moderate portion as an appertizer. Instead, the portion equivalent to Sushi King which only price at RM4. Man, that is unreasonable!
Next, we still can taste the ice in the sashimi. Yes it is fresh but the salmon should be defrost before serving to the customers. But instead, they careless about this. This is a disappointment as I always confident on Zakura's quality.
The tofu is moderate lar. Nothing to complain about.
Then was my main course. The unagi served was only 2 thin slices and with chawanmushi that overly cooked with gingko. Surprising, I just smell the gingko but could not find one in it. The prawn in the chawanmushi was over cooked too. Second disappointment!
Overall, I rate it below average.
Nevertheless, the environment in Zakura is always the best. Maybe not much crowd that's why we have the whole restaurant for ourselves!
Of course the rating I gave is only applicable to the Avenue K branch. I remembered the one in BTS was really nice. And even at MV still remain the best.
But we still had a good night after all.
The next day, I am suppose to treat the kids for a dinner at Pavillion - Tony Roma's. My mom, aunty and uncle tagged along too!
We ordered quite a sumptous amount of appertizers as mom and auntie were too full for main course.
So I ordered: Onion roll full size for RM16.90, Tony's Platter for RM39.90 and Asian Grill Chicken Salad full size for RM19.90. As we had 7 of us in a table, the kids and me were quite hungry, we chomp down the appertizers in the speed of light. But to my disappointment, the platter comes with onion roll too. Sigh. Should order the fried mushroom instead.
For main course, I ordered the Buffalo's Sandwich at RM18.90. Well, its actually a burger. But I don't know why they call it sandwich. The filling is chicken and it taste almost the same as KFC Zinger burger. So, was quite disappointed on it.
The environment is just moderate to me as we were placed in the front porch of the restaurant instead of inside. So with the crowd, we hardly able to talk. Still the get together time with family members are the best. And again, I swipe the card.
Woop. two meals cost me to approx RM500.
Next will be trying Ninja Jones in North Point and bringing my mom, grandma and darling to DucKing in Jaya One this weekend.
Ninja Jones - for Chew belated birthday. As I am unable to celebrate with you, let me treat you for a good meal there. The reviews from the internet were good.
DucKing - as mommy wants to share the bill for the treat to the kids, I decided to bring her for duck cuisine. She loves duck. Besides, never treat grandma for anything so I feel guilty. Then, darling insisted me to treat him because of my promotion. So, how can I say NO?
Wahlao...with the above food feast that I get myself into..I will spend my salary just for that man! And I need shopping leh?
POk Kai lor.....
I, honourable Princess Piggie welcome you to take a look into my Glamourous - Funky - Miserable - Expensive wonder wonder land!
Friday, November 28, 2008
A stressful journey, and I am bound to walk every steps
From the beginning, I thought I will be celebrating this month.
The hatred I've been farming since the beginning of the year had finally come to an end.
Though the pressure has started to pilling up and my spine had been over stressed these days. I think I may not be able to handle more demands from my boss.
The days passed with tiredness and exhaustion.
I was late to work almost everyday. To be exact, since the day the hatred started. I promised myself to be a good example to my co-workers. But it was really a mess to wake up 1hour earlier to work.
Still I manage to make myself officially early to work...Well, punctual to work. Better than late right?
Then workload is getting more and more. As beside daily work like past, I am now responsible to review my co-workers' work. This almost KILL me. The reviewing of files are so dull and tiring. I can even see the figures flying all over the files. Darn! How I hate to review.
Next, planning. This sucks too! I am a control freak over my own schedule. My work always on time unless something comes up and mess up my schedule. But that is because the discipline that was thought by sifu and boss. But nowadays, the youngsters just has no discipline at all. We as senior has to remind them again and again for them to even get started! Not to mention finish! Darn!
Then, attending to boss higher demands. As my time almost used up by the above and yet I still need to attend his 24-7 high demand. We are like SWAT team. Ever ready for sudden appearance in a meeting which you don't even know whom u meeting with or what you will be discussion on. Yet, we have to pretend like Miss-Know-It-All so that we can call ourselves professional. Heck!
This is the most energy sucking and had been attacking my self esteem lately.
Due to the emergencies I had in previous years, I had been postponing my exams.
So whenever we are meeting with clients that are Professionals, they expect to talk to a professional. And I am not! Geez...How I hate those 'pigeon-eyes'!! I do not have enough time to do everything. Like reading the standards, newspapers, world economy related magazines, local and international market updates yet doing my daily work in one day in order to start a conversation with them. This is really tough. And it had been taking the toll out of my life! I wish I not in such position...
Yeah I know, I sucks!
The pay and profile I soon to get is worth every second of hard work!
Of course pay can be higher >_<
But with my qualification and experience, I think I could not demand more at this moment.
So continue to strive for my professional exams.
Hopefully this time round, I am free from such emergencies I faced previous years. God, please have faith in me!
Luckily my working days only on weekday.
So, I still have weekend to retrieve the sleepless nights and exhaustion!
Basically the following illustrate how my working day start:
1. Wake up
2. Free the monster from his cage so that he could run like a mad cow around the house
3. Brush teeth + wash face
4. Drink water + refill water in tumbler
5. Bath and 'business'
6. Dress up + blow hair + make up
7. Drive to office
8. Breakfast @ office
9. On my laptop
10. Check email
11. Write down to do list for the day
12. Call client
13. Reply email
14. Review file
15. Lunch
16. Attend to boss demand
17. Lecturing staff
18. Preparing proposals and review files
19. Off work
20. Do my own files
So Sifu, really wor...
I can only do my own files after working hours.
Anyway, I try to squeeze everything in 8 working hours so that I can reach home early everyday. But that is impossible unless I postpone my work. Well, previously before promoted, I also try to work not later than working hours. And my excuse is I do not have office keys. So I need to pack and leave with the majority.
Out of the blue, I asked for office key from Mrs Boss that day. As I need to work quite late, and trying to repay my late to work for the past months. And without hesitation, she pass me the key. But before I say the key will be return the following day, she ask me to sign on to the log book. This proofs that the key is officially mine during my service period in this firm.
Well, nothing to be glad on. Cause you are expecting to open the door if no one is around in the morning. Which means, have to early to work rather than my usual practise = PUNCTUAL
Trying my best to get use to such life from now onwards.
But I just could not stop complaining..
I'm a woman..and woman complains!
P/S: Sigh. No longer address myself as girl ..Don't know why I feel old if use that word. I am really old. WOMAN!
The hatred I've been farming since the beginning of the year had finally come to an end.
Though the pressure has started to pilling up and my spine had been over stressed these days. I think I may not be able to handle more demands from my boss.
The days passed with tiredness and exhaustion.
I was late to work almost everyday. To be exact, since the day the hatred started. I promised myself to be a good example to my co-workers. But it was really a mess to wake up 1hour earlier to work.
Still I manage to make myself officially early to work...Well, punctual to work. Better than late right?
Then workload is getting more and more. As beside daily work like past, I am now responsible to review my co-workers' work. This almost KILL me. The reviewing of files are so dull and tiring. I can even see the figures flying all over the files. Darn! How I hate to review.
Next, planning. This sucks too! I am a control freak over my own schedule. My work always on time unless something comes up and mess up my schedule. But that is because the discipline that was thought by sifu and boss. But nowadays, the youngsters just has no discipline at all. We as senior has to remind them again and again for them to even get started! Not to mention finish! Darn!
Then, attending to boss higher demands. As my time almost used up by the above and yet I still need to attend his 24-7 high demand. We are like SWAT team. Ever ready for sudden appearance in a meeting which you don't even know whom u meeting with or what you will be discussion on. Yet, we have to pretend like Miss-Know-It-All so that we can call ourselves professional. Heck!
This is the most energy sucking and had been attacking my self esteem lately.
Due to the emergencies I had in previous years, I had been postponing my exams.
So whenever we are meeting with clients that are Professionals, they expect to talk to a professional. And I am not! Geez...How I hate those 'pigeon-eyes'!! I do not have enough time to do everything. Like reading the standards, newspapers, world economy related magazines, local and international market updates yet doing my daily work in one day in order to start a conversation with them. This is really tough. And it had been taking the toll out of my life! I wish I not in such position...
Yeah I know, I sucks!
The pay and profile I soon to get is worth every second of hard work!
Of course pay can be higher >_<
But with my qualification and experience, I think I could not demand more at this moment.
So continue to strive for my professional exams.
Hopefully this time round, I am free from such emergencies I faced previous years. God, please have faith in me!
Luckily my working days only on weekday.
So, I still have weekend to retrieve the sleepless nights and exhaustion!
Basically the following illustrate how my working day start:
1. Wake up
2. Free the monster from his cage so that he could run like a mad cow around the house
3. Brush teeth + wash face
4. Drink water + refill water in tumbler
5. Bath and 'business'
6. Dress up + blow hair + make up
7. Drive to office
8. Breakfast @ office
9. On my laptop
10. Check email
11. Write down to do list for the day
12. Call client
13. Reply email
14. Review file
15. Lunch
16. Attend to boss demand
17. Lecturing staff
18. Preparing proposals and review files
19. Off work
20. Do my own files
So Sifu, really wor...
I can only do my own files after working hours.
Anyway, I try to squeeze everything in 8 working hours so that I can reach home early everyday. But that is impossible unless I postpone my work. Well, previously before promoted, I also try to work not later than working hours. And my excuse is I do not have office keys. So I need to pack and leave with the majority.
Out of the blue, I asked for office key from Mrs Boss that day. As I need to work quite late, and trying to repay my late to work for the past months. And without hesitation, she pass me the key. But before I say the key will be return the following day, she ask me to sign on to the log book. This proofs that the key is officially mine during my service period in this firm.
Well, nothing to be glad on. Cause you are expecting to open the door if no one is around in the morning. Which means, have to early to work rather than my usual practise = PUNCTUAL
Trying my best to get use to such life from now onwards.
But I just could not stop complaining..
I'm a woman..and woman complains!
P/S: Sigh. No longer address myself as girl ..Don't know why I feel old if use that word. I am really old. WOMAN!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Moving into New Work Station!!!
Yeap, that's right! My previous work station was HOT.
I was surrounded with 3 air-conditioner but none blow the air towards me.
And the stupid hole on the floor always give me the implication that because of my weight the hole is getting bigger and bigger. Mind you, the hole was there before I even shifted to that place!
I've been facing difficulties on whether to shift or not to shift.
There are some complications in the whole process and I would not like to go detail about it in here.
So, after rounds of considerations and discussions, finally I've made my mind to SHIFT.
Ta - da...
Just can't wait to get some nice classy office supplies to fill the new space!
Wah hoooooo....
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
How come life is so FRAGILE?
As I'm still trying hard to live my life without my father,
another bad luck struck our family.
My cousin bro - Bryan was diagnosed with brain tumour.
He is only 14, for God's sake!
Why it have to be us?
And there is no early sympthom that tells you have a tumour in your brain!
He was having double visions the last one week, so the parents decided to bring him to the doctor. But when the doctor advised to go for MRI - specifically for scanning any damaging cells (CANCER) in your body. The parents got panic and inform everyone of us on the bad news.
Later that day, doctor confirmed the boy has a tumour blocking the brain's fluid (there is medic term, but too long to remember). Whether the tumour is cancerous can only be confirm after a biopsy. But the tumuor is dangerous to the brain as it had block the fluid to drain and replenish it self. Therefore, an operation is needed ASAP to have a bypass passage so that the brain will not overflow with the fluids. But that is a dangerous op for any human being.
So sad to hear that. How a 14 year old boy tahan all that kind of pain.
It's unbelievable.
Cancer killed my father.
I am praying so hard that it will not happen to anyone else in the family.
Yet, the bad luck struck twice!
Damn it!!!
How can YOU be so cruel!
But the op went well and as per doc's experience the tumour may not be cancerous.
Well, we were glad but still have to refer to the biopsy report before over happy about that.
As we try to get as more info as possible from the doc on how suddenly a brain will has a tumour in it, cos the kid is sound and healthy since baby. The doctor said the boy was carrying the tumour since he is a baby. Every tumour grows as you age. And brain tumour gives no early sympthom. When the sympthom starts to unleash, it usually at the most critical situation.
Bryan, everything is taken care of.
Please be strong.
But as he is just too young to know this, we never disclose the news to him.
He thought something wrong with his eye therefore need to go for an op.
God, please give the family more strength to pull it through.
another bad luck struck our family.
My cousin bro - Bryan was diagnosed with brain tumour.
He is only 14, for God's sake!
Why it have to be us?
And there is no early sympthom that tells you have a tumour in your brain!
He was having double visions the last one week, so the parents decided to bring him to the doctor. But when the doctor advised to go for MRI - specifically for scanning any damaging cells (CANCER) in your body. The parents got panic and inform everyone of us on the bad news.
Later that day, doctor confirmed the boy has a tumour blocking the brain's fluid (there is medic term, but too long to remember). Whether the tumour is cancerous can only be confirm after a biopsy. But the tumuor is dangerous to the brain as it had block the fluid to drain and replenish it self. Therefore, an operation is needed ASAP to have a bypass passage so that the brain will not overflow with the fluids. But that is a dangerous op for any human being.
So sad to hear that. How a 14 year old boy tahan all that kind of pain.
It's unbelievable.
Cancer killed my father.
I am praying so hard that it will not happen to anyone else in the family.
Yet, the bad luck struck twice!
Damn it!!!
How can YOU be so cruel!
But the op went well and as per doc's experience the tumour may not be cancerous.
Well, we were glad but still have to refer to the biopsy report before over happy about that.
As we try to get as more info as possible from the doc on how suddenly a brain will has a tumour in it, cos the kid is sound and healthy since baby. The doctor said the boy was carrying the tumour since he is a baby. Every tumour grows as you age. And brain tumour gives no early sympthom. When the sympthom starts to unleash, it usually at the most critical situation.
Bryan, everything is taken care of.
Please be strong.
But as he is just too young to know this, we never disclose the news to him.
He thought something wrong with his eye therefore need to go for an op.
God, please give the family more strength to pull it through.
Monday, November 3, 2008
November jor lor...
Position officially changed from 1st November!
Waited anxiously for this day to come, though I am very sure the stress and pressure will be doubled in future.
But what the heck, I've signed and checked myself into that position.
Blessed me please.......
I am busying myself at the planning stage for the coming November and December schedule.
Nothing seems to have a clear picture.
So scared....
Damn Damn Damn
Waited anxiously for this day to come, though I am very sure the stress and pressure will be doubled in future.
But what the heck, I've signed and checked myself into that position.
Blessed me please.......
I am busying myself at the planning stage for the coming November and December schedule.
Nothing seems to have a clear picture.
So scared....
Damn Damn Damn
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