Thursday, November 13, 2008

Moving into New Work Station!!!

Wahkow! My new workstation. I was so excited about the shifting since I've got the news of being promoted to Ass. Manyzer. Not because of the position and salary (well, 60% lar...) the most excited part was there will be possibility for me to shift to a place equipped with air-conditioner blowing cool air right to me and a nice carpeted floor without any loopholes!

Yeap, that's right! My previous work station was HOT.
I was surrounded with 3 air-conditioner but none blow the air towards me.
And the stupid hole on the floor always give me the implication that because of my weight the hole is getting bigger and bigger. Mind you, the hole was there before I even shifted to that place!

I've been facing difficulties on whether to shift or not to shift.
There are some complications in the whole process and I would not like to go detail about it in here.
So, after rounds of considerations and discussions, finally I've made my mind to SHIFT.

Ta - da...
Just can't wait to get some nice classy office supplies to fill the new space!

Wah hoooooo....

1 comment:

二打六 said...

wei's my work station before hor...jaga baik baik...:P