Well, 我嗰life都好充实下㗎。2013 大家睇到噶post,系被求婚嗰一年。
2014,要求极高噶我又要靓又要唔输得,自己懒醒咁做DIY。为咗被自己一个难忘噶订婚派对。#throwback 下以前啲靓相被大家睇睇:
We are typical working class trying to survive the norms, so right after our "Engagement" party, we went back to our single lives. Don't hear us wrong but we were separated due to our work commitment. It was pretty hard for me at first but I kept telling myself it's temporary. So while we both worked hard to put cash into our Chinese wedding, we were still pretty unsure what's next.
Chinese wedding is something I dragged (funny how I actually not looking forward to that) because it involves a lot of unnecessary cost and dramas.
So a year later in 2014, we held our Chinese wedding with a little twist in what I've been planning for. Though 我噶嘴系话唔介意,一切简简单单就好。Come on, don't be so naive. How can a bride to be will accept anything but simple. Simple must be elegant. Elegant means money! 😂
Since I had a Victorian English engagement party a year ago, we went to a typical Chinese wedding with all required customs and Chinese SOP. So much work for my mom, so much money spent (us!)
But it was so memorable because we have our closest family members and friends going through this with us. #throwback time
My best sisters. Lol, poor bro has to dress up!
无论系高矮肥瘦,靓女定系猪扒,做新娘指定噶pose: 嚟嗰“性感肉背照”
2015 年 做了妈妈。 2016 年 我们都一岁啦!
向2016里一年期间,无论在家庭生活的转变,事业上也有很大的变动。Corporate life 过咗有十年。And then a fifth year seniority achieved, I was given the opportunity to climb further up. I always take any changes as a challenge, because I do think when you are too comfortable in a comfort zone, the progress will be on a steady slope if you are lucky, or it may go downhill. Hence, I excitedly join the new environment despite knowing how difficult it will be.
But before that, I managed to take a month break and I put all resources I have into a big trip with my mom and that #rascaltoddler of mine. We went to Denmark and a small part of Europe! Yes we did it!! 16 hours of flight with a #rascaltoddler and an elderly was damn challenging yet we pulled through.
We did Copenhagen-Austria-Berlin! Transit at Heathrow which make us step into UK land. Counted right?
And then, we celebrated 2017! A brand new year with a brand new start.
虽然,都系一样咁涨。不过扮靓先上班,心情系唔同噶哦。所以依家keep 住咁扮靓返工!
That's why, decided after long consideration, let's do this again. Pick up my interest of throwing my thoughts either my not very interesting life to anonymous reader, also my parenting thoughts perhaps? Or some travel tips? Or even about weekend visits to kids friendly cafe and activities?
If you survive this long to finish reading this long post, I bet you are very keen to know what's I have in my to blog right?
Yes, you right!
I try to keep this blog lively again. And if you are interested, do leave me a comment or two. I'm always open for ideas and constructive criticism.
With technology, blogging it's so much easier now. Get an affordable app installed into your phone, and you can blog anything anywhere anytime. How convenient!
Let's do this!
I'll revisit all the drafts I've prepared when I decided to start blogging again, and if I think there are good to be publish. I'll do it definitely. But so far mostly parenting thoughts. Let's see.
Good night.
Welcome to Princess Piggie Wonderland.
Pen off for now 👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻
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