哩啲activity闲闲哋都要几旧水一个月。But, 时代唔同咗。If 你唔带佢去,又惊佢follow 唔到。真系,好矛盾架。
😏我同一般怪兽家长有啲啲唔同。好怕佢跟唔上所以佢三个月大就joined咗sensory class。但系就系每个礼拜抽一个钟带佢去玩。其他的唔知咩brain development,music class通通都觉得浪费时间同钱。
直到佢啱啱过咗两岁嗰阵时,发觉佢对嗰个sensory class失晒兴趣。我就响度谂系咪时候换新环境叻?都有哩个谂法好几个月噶啦。又咁啱友人介绍一间最近好in嘅kids activity center. 今日我地就去咗几堂trial classes.
Disclaimer: this is not an advertisement post. This is mainly my personal experience and comment to be read on my post. Not to be use for any reference to the premise and personnel as shown and quoted below. (Kiasi punya pasal)
Location: Rockstar gym, Tropicana City Mall.
One good thing about this mall is parking is very easy. They have ladies parking just in front of the entrance to the mall for basement parking so mom with babies, that's a plus point. Also to note, I was there before 11am. That may explained why easy traffic.
Location of the gym is at 2nd floor which is also the other end of the cinema floor. When I exited the lift, the gym is right opposite me with big entrance and sign board, furthermore it looks brand new. How branding and upkeep of a premise speaks for the brand.
This gym is originally very popular in Indonesia (since I checkout the company before attending the trial class). They have around 10 massive outlets in Indonesia (according to them, they have their own indoor water theme park). For Malaysia, they currently have 3 outlets. You can check their website: http://www.rockstar-gym.com.my/ for further information.
We were greeted by a friendly outlet manager, Christian. I am bad at remembering names but they have their name tag on them so it makes it less awkward for me. Lol. We were then being led to the waiting area and #rascaltoddler got some colouring stuffs from Christian to keep her occupied.
+ point for mom : the personal touch of Christian make settling down #rascaltoddler way easier. Which kid doesn't like colouring?
(The neatly coloured damn obvious was from her mom la!!)
I didn't tour much of the place because I don't have intention to blog about the whole thing. But the first outlook is the place quite organise and colourful for kids. They have few dance studios, an indoor basketball court, 2 activity class with kids fallproof equipped. Because it is all pack with these, the waiting area is small.
- point for mom: it was ok in the first morning when only a few parents were around, but when you reach noon, that's when the place get crowded. You have parents did take always their lunch (I'm perfectly fine with this cos we need to eat too!). Imagine parents with kids and parents' parents were in the same waiting area. So, if you are attending afternoon classes which most of us do, you may not be able to secure a seat.
Some pictures I took for the day:-
We tried 3 classes starting from 11am.
Baby jumper - age group till 36 months, where they teach you sensory jump/gymnastics/dance activity #rascaltoddler had a blast. She totally lost it. 极度开心!玩到忘我境界!她唔系几跟得上class嘅instructions.都系比较自己向到乱玩一通。见惯世面嘅啊妈我,就由得佢自high. Though, when kids were too happily playing, they forgot they need to respect personal space. So I guess some mothers in the same class with us, think she was too rough and I'm an S-hole mother that let her daughter play like sakai. But shouldn't this be a fun class? Anyway, it reached to a point she wants to take her turn before everyone else, I've lost my cool too. So I threaten to leave the class if she behave like a brat. She wept la of course, drama princess right? 不过我系知道佢好钟意哩一堂。
Baby ballet - age group 2 - 4 (if I remember correctly). The whole class was full of cute little ballerinas! 系我童年梦想可以跳芭蕾舞。一般嘅怪兽家长都会把自己童年做唔到嘅野压向细路膊头上。But,我嘅#rascaltoddler 真系一啲兴趣都无🤔🤔🤔. Maybe this was her first class, so I'll still try for another chance. Let's see if she still interested. No pressure huh?
Baby dance - age group 2-4. This is the class that I am confident my #rascaltoddler will love it! But after an eventful energy burning activity, she became restless. The most crowded class if compare with the above 2. Will give this another try. Basically the class is about story telling/dance with the theme of the day. Should be fun if your kids love to dance!
Apparently, out of the 3 classes we were under the same teacher, Teacher Carmen. A young lady with friendly smile. But in a way too young to manage the crowd in the class. Can see she tried very hard to make sure the class keep up with her but too many distractions when you are in a class with wailing kids and some just totally not interested to follow you. Would love to attend classes with different teacher for comparison though.
- point for mom: restroom only have handful of cubicles and if I am not wrong, it is to cater both female and male patrons. I'm not sexist but this is gonna be a bit uncomfortable for kids in a way I guess. So either you do your business in the restroom of the mall for a choice.
I was recommended by colleagues so I got a special membership package which to me is affordable looking at the variety of the classes that we can join and with this membership I am able to go to different outlets in Malaysia.
Once you sign up, it's a 6 months commitment. If not, there will be a penalty to cancel the membership. Make sure your kids really love it before you say yes to the membership though.
心血来潮想去食Gohtong Jaya出名嘅炸田鸡。越埋好友一起去!食野之前去咗附近嘅strawberry/lavender farm 行下。。影翻几张相先!
Oh my 炸田鸡配买文东姜片。Finger licking good ah! 莫莫家乡鸡行埋一边啦!
原本开开心心嘅周末系都要搞啲嘢被我。#rascaltoddler 想玩公园内嘅slide. But it was occupied and well not very well kept. So as usual, 发晒烂渣响度烂地。I let her cry but the floor was wet. So I drag her up. Yes, I dragged her. And her arm joint was dislocated because of this.
What an S-hole mom!
We went back to KL after dinner straight to emergency. Yes, panic but still need to remain cool because panic won't deal with the issue properly.
Million "what if"s I gave myself during the drive to emergency. Million regrets too. Like why I was such a S-hole mom let her wail. Why could not I let her play just a little while? Damn.
We reached emergency and got a doctor checked on her. She needed X-ray for both elbow though only right one was in pain.
I carried her calmly though she was crying due to pain because all mothers are strong women! But when we were in the X-ray room, she wailed even louder because we had to place her elbow properly to take the X-ray. I was trying my best to console her and at the same time trying my best not to cry.
When we were done, doctor confirmed he needs to twist the elbow back in place. My heart sunk. She was still crying and I couldn't hold it any longer I cried with her. I kept telling her how sorry mommy is and we hug each other crying. The doctor came, though he is a young doctor, he said this is a normal phase every parents will go through. It's really a small injury don't blame yourself. I'll give you a bit more moment ok.
It was a relief for me to hear such comforting words. Because throughout the whole ordeal, my mom kept telling me the what if. On top of my guilt, that was really not helping.
Then a call back to husband to tell him what had happened, there was no words of comfort to calm me down but questions after questions why it happened? I remain calm and cheerfully answering his question so that it won't really worried him too much.
So, when you see a mother in distress, please give her some words of comfort. We need it, badly. I was judging my parenting skill to let her cry and take her away from the spot so that she can calm herself yet I dislocated her elbow. What kind of fuck shit is this?
A comforting question will be: are you ok?
It was not from my family but a stranger in emergency room doing his job. Thank you handsome doctor. You make it less stressful ordeal.
We went home get ready to bed, #rascaltoddler already fast asleep from all crying and pain. But, there was no further comfort words from the father of my child.
Even worst in the morning there was nothing and I have to play it cool like everything is normal.
#阿玲金句 #做人阿妈甚艰难 #做人老婆要豁达
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