Thursday, September 4, 2008

The Rise and Fall of Princess Piggie

The rise and fall of Princess Piggie in Pig Wonderland!
Aloha~~greeting from the beloved Princess of human kind to all bloggers and readers.
I’m so excited and anxious at the same time on this grand opening ceremony.
I – Princes Piggie from Pig Wonderland proudly announce the grand opening for my new blog:
What stimulate the piggy brain cells to make such drastic and energy consuming hobby?
I’ve been reading my friends’ blogs, my friends’ friends’ blogs and strangers’ blogs. Surprisingly, I found it very interesting and entertaining reading their blogs as though I am sharing some parts of their lives and I am there while the incident illustrated in their blogs happened!
I find it cool and inspirational for me.
And my boss was kind of grumbling that our English is very bad, especially in our writings!
So, beside reading newspapers daily and communicating in English more often, BLOGGING is another means improving my writing skill in English!!
LOL J (trying too hard to impress my boss)
I welcome every one of you to read and share piece and bits of my life while reading through my blogs yeah?
(Drum rolling....dum dum dum dum dum Trumpet blowing pot pot pot pot pot)
Here I present: The Rise and Fall of Princess Piggie in Pig Wonderland

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