Friday, February 1, 2013

Almost a year!

Life has been up and down as always for the past months. Everyday, with the Google toolbar showing my blog, there is always intention to click and update whatever shit that is happening. Yet, too much had happened that I cannot put everything in words to express fully.

2012 was great 80%. Work was awesome cos' it brought me places for free and meeting great deal of new people. Owned my first house in May and loving every inch of it. I am so proud of myself and my partner that we can own a place before we even reach 30s! How awesome was that?!

Then, I realized it was almost the end of 2012. I had achieved some but not much. There are plenty more unopened doors and not because there is no path, but I am afraid to do so.

So, am going to start fresh again 2013 with a resolution to do meaningful things to my life and what's more. I'm going big 3 0 this year! and yes, this blog it's a wrap for missing pieces from my life in 2012.

Let's roll the drum and I promise, promise promise promise.....2013 gonna be good updates for my blog~~

p/s: why I select such a dull picture? chinese saying:-夕阳无限好. I hope mine too!!

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